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To be clear, election interference is a felony. Graham seems to believe he is above the law and is fighting the subpoena.

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In July 2021, Bolsonaro claimed on Brazilian radio that his government's greatest achievement was "two and a half years without corruption".[127] In the same month, a scandal dubbed "vaccine-gate" emerged. After months of denying offers of vaccines and bartering the costs, Bolsonaro's government made a deal to buy the unapproved Covaxin vaccine from the Indian company Bharat Biotech at a very high price.

Fact checkers similarly documented tens of thousands of false statements he made while in office, but were reluctant to declare that he knowingly lied.

Trump and Cohn lost that case when the countersuit was dismissed and the government's case went forward.[119] In 1975, an agreement was struck requiring Trump's properties to furnish the New York Urban League with a list of all apartment vacancies, every week for two years, among other things.[120] Cohn introduced political consultant Roger Stone to Trump, who enlisted Stone's services to deal with the federal government.[121]

While Rogan said he didn't support Trump, Trump defended Rogan in February after a video montage of Rogan using a racial slur went viral. Trump said at the time that Rogan shouldn't have to keep apologizing to his critics.

However, on 11 January 2016, when he began to present himself as a pre-candidate to the Presidency of Brazil, Bolsonaro began to moderate his discourse on gay people by publishing a video on his official YouTube channel:

Trazer a informação a todos de 1 modo simples e com muito Humor, logo espero o apoio do quem É possibilitado a criar 1 produção cada vez MELHOR demasiado obrigado a todos como utilizando seu apoio posso continuar nesta Batalha OBRIGADO

Texto visa limitar monopólio das empresas de tecnologia e vetar publicidade direcionada de modo a público infantil

[249] In the same interview, he said that if a jornal gay couple moved in next door to him, it would lower the market value of his house.

On multiple occasions, Bolsonaro has publicly endorsed physical violence as a legitimate and necessary form of political action. In 1999, when he was 44 years old and a representative in the jair bolsonaro testa positivo Brazilian Congress, Bolsonaro said during a TV interview that the only way of "changing" Brazil was by "killing thirty thousand people, beginning with Fernando Henrique Cardoso" (then President of Brazil).[258] During the 2018 campaign, he stated during a rally in Acre that the local "petralhas" (a derogatory term for members of the Workers' Party) would be "shot"; according to his aides, the statement was a "joke".

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Pregnant cancer patients may die because doctors fear treating them could now count as illegal abortion, experts say

1177/1742766518818870. Bolsonaro’s media capital is nurtured by a combination of hate speech and political incivility. His repertoire bolsonaro sair psl also entails the defence of the South American dictatorships in the 1980s and 1990s and their ‘government methods’ of torture and murdering. 

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